Language Development
- Verbalize name, age, birth day, address, phone number
- Retell simple story in correct sequence
- Recognize and produce rhyme
- Speak in a complete sentence
- Participate in discussion
- Compose oral stories

Reading Readiness
- Recognize the association between the spoken and written word
- Recognize patterns of words and sentences
- Compose and illustrate stories
- Distinguish letter sounds in spoken words
- Associate letters and sounds
- Identify basic sight words
- Write familiar words
- Build simple words
- Solve problems by estimating and checking
- Solve problems by using independent reasoning
- Create order among objects
- Understand and use comparative, ordinals
- Recognize and create number symbols 0-30
- Match number set to number symbol 0-20
- Understand simple fractions
- Recognize and understand the value of money

- Use scientific method to solve problems
- Develop understanding of time
- Identify times of day
- Become familiar with methods of measurement
- Collect and record date in lists and graphs
- Understand concepts of weather
- Understand concepts of solar system
- Smart Board in the Classroom
- Smart Table in the classroom
- S.T.E.A.M. Room

Curriculum Enhancements
Monthly Artist Study
Culinary Experience Program
Sign Language
Monthly Author Study
Lending Library
S.T.E.A.M. Program
Dates and Times
Our Kindergarten program runs from September through June.
We are open from 6:30AM to 6:00PM for parents that need longer hours than the public school system offers.
Limited School Closing
We are open 212 School Days vs. 180 for Public and Parochial Schools
Class Size
Since ample individual attention and small groups are important at this stage in a Kindergartener’s academic development, we keep our class size small with only 10 children per class.
Language Development
- Verbalize name, age, birth day, address, phone number
- Retell simple story in correct sequence
- Recognize and produce rhyme
- Speak in a complete sentence
- Participate in discussion
- Compose oral stories

Reading Readiness
- Recognize the association between the spoken and written word
- Recognize patterns of words and sentences
- Compose and illustrate stories
- Distinguish letter sounds in spoken words
- Associate letters and sounds
- Identify basic sight words
- Write familiar words
- Build simple words

- Solve problems by estimating and checking
- Solve problems by using independent reasoning
- Create order among objects
- Understand and use comparative, ordinals
- Recognize and create number symbols 0-30
- Match number set to number symbol 0-20
- Understand simple fractions
- Recognize and understand the value of money

- Use scientific method to solve problems
- Develop understanding of time
- Identify times of day
- Become familiar with methods of measurement
- Collect and record date in lists and graphs
- Understand concepts of weather
- Understand concepts of solar system

- Smart Board in the Classroom
- Smart Table in the classroom
- S.T.E.A.M. Room

Curriculum Enhancements
Monthly Artist Study
Culinary Experience Program
Sign Language
Monthly Author Study
Lending Library
S.T.E.A.M. Program
Dates and Times
Our Kindergarten program runs from September through June.
We are open from 6:30AM to 6:30PM
Limited School Closing
We are open 212 School Days vs. 180 for Public and Parochial Schools
Class Size
Since ample individual attention and small groups are important at this stage in a Kindergartener’s academic development, we keep our class size small with only 10 children per class.